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                     Projects and Samples

How can you trust someone’s work without ever even seeing it?

Well, I’ve got that covered.

Portfolio: Project

Medical Research Project


“Great translator, we will definitely use again!”
Michael Corcoran, Worldwide Express

Representing the Canadian agency Worldwide Express, Michael found me through a freelancing platform. Our first project together – the one that got me the small but positive testimonial above – involved translating a series of medical exams, results and descriptions. Since then, several similar academic/medical translation jobs have followed; to see a sample from one of them, just click on the button below.

Diving and Cruising Website

Sail Boat in Tropics

"Very quick to reply and delivered very high quality work on time. (...) Excellent eye for detail and was very helpful in suggesting ways to improve the translations."
Chris Kirrage,

My collaboration with Chris and started in August 2017 and continues till today. It involves translating and proofreading articles, boat descriptions and other website content related to travel, diving and cruises. To a travel junkie and advanced diver like myself, it’s a very pleasurable job – but also one that requires tight deadlines and extreme attention to details.

If you want to see the translated website in Portuguese, just click here. If you want to see the full recommendation letter I got from this partnership, click on the button below.

Photographer's Resources


"Fast to deliver and super attentive to details (...) Even without much instructions, she delivered exactly what we needed."
Fernanda Drumond, Gapminder Foundation

Dollar Street is a project by the Swedish Gapminder Foundation which aims to show how people really live all over the world. They do this by interviewing families and taking photos – like the one above, by Zoriah Miller – of their homes and everyday objects. I was responsible for translating their photographer’s resources – such as instructions, questionnaires, and forms – into Brazilian Portuguese.

To know more about Gapminder and their beautiful project, click here. To see a sample of the work I did for them, click on the button below.

Female Products Website


"It was great working with Patricia. She's very communicative and she has done a perfect job."
Yuval Bar Hai,

Yuval hired me to work directly on WordPress, transcreating his homepage and selected articles/posts. The content related to female hygiene products – such as menstrual cups and period panties – and as well as adapting it to Brazilian Portuguese, I helped proofread the original version in English. (Not that it was part of the job, but when you find those little mistakes, it’s the least you can do.)
To see my transcreation of Yuval’s website, just click on the link below.

If you have any questions about these projects, want to learn about other projects I have worked on, or wish to discuss your own project, just contact me.

©2020 by Patricia Vasconcellos.

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