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About Me

Who am I, why I do what I do, and how I can help you.

I know that being communicative, delivering great work, and always respecting deadlines is the least you can expect from a freelancer. But have you considered someone who will always go that extra mile to make sure you get exactly what you want, exactly the way you want it? Someone who is working with you, not for you? Someone who considers your success their success?


Well, that's me.

Story Time

It started out as a way to fund my travels.

After putting my career in science and education on hold for six months to backpack through Southeast Asia (wonderful experience, definitely recommend!), I ended up with a problem: I wasn’t ready to go back.

But my initial savings were almost over and now I needed to work. That’s when translation came to play.


I’ve always loved reading, writing and languages. After achieving my certificate of proficiency in English in 2008, I had worked as an English teacher for many years and had done occasional translations for colleagues and friends – I had even worked with a local translation agency for a brief period.

Becoming a full-time freelance translator seemed like the perfect idea. And guess what? It really was.

Experience and Qualifications

  • Three years in the market as a full-time English <> Portuguese translator.

  • Five years as an English teacher.

  • Over 65 projects delivered, more than 570,000 words translated and 210,000 proofread.

  • Certificate of proficiency in English from Cambridge University

  • Basic knowledge of SEO, Copywriting, and Localization.


What I do best, and what I love most.

If you want to learn even more about my specializations or see samples of each one of them, check out my Portfolio Page.

And for more information or a free quote, contact me.


Scientific and Academic

 As a graduated biologist and neuroscientist, I have not only read but also written quite a few scientific texts myself. I’m familiar with your text’s vocabulary and style, I understand the bureaucratic demands of your field and, most importantly, I share your love of knowledge.

©2020 by Patricia Vasconcellos.

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